At Thu, 15 Apr 2010 10:58:43 -0500,
Harry Putnam wrote:
Jim Burton<> writes:
So I tried starting the emacs daemon without my init file and
everything is fine -- I can open graphical emacsclients. This seems
weird because I can open a new (X or terminal) emacs without getting
any complaints about the init file. I thought about adding my init
stuff back in gradually but there's rather a lot of it, and I wondered
if there is a better way to debug this problem?
I'm not sure this even works when going thru emacsclient but does
turning on debug-on-error show you any more userfull info:
(setq eval-expression-debug-on-error t)
Hi Harry. This has no effect -- the daemon starts without any errors
and the graphical client won't start. Commenting stuff out of .emacs
I've found I can start the graphical client without a color theme, or
if I do this:
(defmacro Xlaunch (&rest x)
(list 'if (eq window-system 'x) (cons 'progn x)))
(require 'color-theme)
(if (Xlaunch)
Which works but I get no color theme -- of course when the daemon
starts Xlaunch is false. Is there some way to say "do this if the
current client uses X"?