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Re: New menu creation

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: New menu creation
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 16:47:18 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

supreet <> writes:


> I am very new to Emacs. I am trying to create a new menu in the menu bar.
> How do I proceed?
> I downloaded the source and I see a lot of .el files under the lisp
> directory. Do I create a new file there?

No, you can do that by placing some code into your ~/.emacs file.  No
need to modify the emacs source code.

> Please let me know if there are any links or info that I can follow.

Have a look at the documentation:

,----[ (info "(elisp)Menu Bar") ]
|      ;; Make a menu keymap (with a prompt string)
|      ;; and make it the menu bar item's definition.
|      (define-key global-map [menu-bar words]
|        (cons "Words" (make-sparse-keymap "Words")))
|      ;; Define specific subcommands in this menu.
|      (define-key global-map
|        [menu-bar words forward]
|        '("Forward word" . forward-word))
|      (define-key global-map
|        [menu-bar words backward]
|        '("Backward word" . backward-word))

To jump to this documentation page inside emacs, put the boxquote

  (info "(elisp)Menu Bar")

into emacs' *scratch* buffer and hit `C-x C-e' after the last closing


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