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Re: vimpulse C-o not using global marks ?!?

From: Štěpán Němec
Subject: Re: vimpulse C-o not using global marks ?!?
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 16:16:29 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

TheLonelyStar <> writes:

> Hi,
> I use vimpulse. When I do C-o it jumps to the last mark in the current file.
> Can i somehow make it use global marks?

let's have this discussion on the vim-emulation list, which I am hereby
Cc:-ing (and please remove the help list from the Cc: header when
replying; I don't think most people here are interested in this).

I consider this to be a problem, too, and even started to implement it
before some time, but as I almost never use it and nobody else seemed to
ever mention this, it remained a stub, i.e. it sort-of works, but a bit
funnily and not quite as in Vim (yet). Here is what I came up with (you
can apply the diff provided you use the Git repository, not the single
vimpulse.el file):

diff --git a/vimpulse-dependencies.el b/vimpulse-dependencies.el
index 692e823..1e31753 100644
--- a/vimpulse-dependencies.el
+++ b/vimpulse-dependencies.el
@@ -215,16 +215,13 @@ (defvar vimpulse-core-movement-cmds
   "List of Viper \"core\" movement commands.
 These should be present in every mode, to avoid confusion.")
-(viper-deflocalvar vimpulse-mark-list nil
-  "List of mark positions to jump to with `vimpulse-jump-forward'.
- They are stored as markers, the current position first:
-     (car vimpulse-mark-list)  = current position (last popped)
-     (cdr vimpulse-mark-list)  = future positions (previously popped)
-     (cadr vimpulse-mark-list) = next position (to jump to)
+(defvar vimpulse-jump-list-max 100
+  "Maximum number of jumps to store.")
- In other words, a sort of \"reverse mark ring\": marks that are
- popped off the mark ring, are collected here.")
+(defvar vimpulse-jump-list (make-ring vimpulse-jump-list-max)
+  "List of mark positions to jump to with `vimpulse-jump-forward'.
+\(The actual data structure used is a ring, not list.)
+They are stored as markers, the current position first.")
 (viper-deflocalvar vimpulse-local-marks-alist nil
   "Association list of local marks.
diff --git a/vimpulse-misc-keybindings.el b/vimpulse-misc-keybindings.el
index 7832afd..e18fa7a 100644
--- a/vimpulse-misc-keybindings.el
+++ b/vimpulse-misc-keybindings.el
@@ -500,58 +500,69 @@ (defalias 'viper-autoindent 'vimpulse-autoindent)
 ;;; C-o, C-i
-(defadvice set-mark (after vimpulse activate)
-  "Clear `vimpulse-mark-list'."
-  (mapc (lambda (marker)
-          (set-marker marker nil))
-        vimpulse-mark-list)
-  (setq vimpulse-mark-list nil))
-(defadvice push-mark (after vimpulse activate)
-  "Clear `vimpulse-mark-list'."
-  (mapc (lambda (marker)
-          (set-marker marker nil))
-        vimpulse-mark-list)
-  (setq vimpulse-mark-list nil))
+;; TODO / %
+(defvar vimpulse-jump-commands
+  '(vimpulse-jump-to-tag-at-point viper-backward-paragraph
+    viper-forward-paragraph viper-backward-sentence viper-forward-sentence
+    viper-brac-function viper-goto-line viper-goto-mark
+    viper-goto-mark-and-skip-white viper-search-next viper-search-Next
+    viper-window-bottom viper-window-middle viper-window-top)
+  "Commands that constitute a \"jump\".")
+(defun vimpulse-record-jump ()
+  (ring-insert vimpulse-jump-list
+               (cons buffer-file-name (move-marker (make-marker) (point)))))
+(defmacro vimpulse-jump-advice (fun)
+  (let ((funcname (symbol-value fun)))
+    `(defadvice ,funcname (before vimpulse-record-jump activate)
+       (vimpulse-record-jump))))
+(dolist (c vimpulse-jump-commands)
+  (vimpulse-jump-advice c))
+(defvar vimpulse-jump-list-curpos nil)
+(defun vimpulse-jump-to (pos)
+  (let ((file (car pos))
+        (marker (cdr pos)))
+   (if (equal buffer-file-name file)
+       (goto-char marker)
+     (if (null file)
+         (if (marker-buffer marker)
+             (progn (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer marker))
+                    (goto-char marker))
+           (message "Buffer does not exist, removing from jump list")
+           (ring-remove vimpulse-jump-list vimpulse-jump-list-curpos))
+       (or (and (or (find-buffer-visiting file)
+                    (y-or-n-p (format "Visit file %s again? " file)))
+                (find-file file)
+                (goto-char marker))
+           (message "Kthx"))))))
 (defun vimpulse-jump-backward (arg)
   "Go to older position in jump list.
- To go the other way, press \\[vimpulse-jump-forward]."
+For the opposite direction, use \\[vimpulse-jump-forward]."
   (interactive "p")
-  (let ((current-pos (make-marker)) i)
-    (unless vimpulse-mark-list
-      (move-marker current-pos (point))
-      (add-to-list 'vimpulse-mark-list current-pos))
-    (dotimes (arg arg)
-      (setq current-pos (make-marker))
-      ;; Skip past duplicate entries in the mark ring.
-      (setq i (length mark-ring))
-      (while (progn (move-marker current-pos (point))
-                    (let (vimpulse-mark-list)
-                      ;; Protect `vimpulse-mark-list'.
-                      (set-mark-command 0))
-                    (setq i (1- i))
-                    (and (= (point) current-pos) (> i 0))))
-      ;; Already there?
-      (move-marker current-pos (point))
-      (unless (= (car vimpulse-mark-list) current-pos)
-        (setq vimpulse-mark-list
-              (cons current-pos vimpulse-mark-list))))))
+  (if (memq last-command '(vimpulse-jump-backward vimpulse-jump-forward))
+      (vimpulse-jump-to (ring-ref vimpulse-jump-list
+                                  (setq vimpulse-jump-list-curpos
+                                        (+ vimpulse-jump-list-curpos arg))))
+    (vimpulse-record-jump)
+    (vimpulse-jump-to (ring-ref vimpulse-jump-list
+                                (setq vimpulse-jump-list-curpos arg)))))
 (defun vimpulse-jump-forward (arg)
   "Go to newer position in jump list.
- To go the other way, press \\[vimpulse-jump-backward]."
+For the opposite direction, use \\[vimpulse-jump-backward]."
   (interactive "p")
-  (let (current-pos next-pos)
-    (dotimes (arg arg)
-      (setq current-pos (car vimpulse-mark-list)
-            next-pos (cadr vimpulse-mark-list))
-      (when next-pos
-        ;; Protect `vimpulse-mark-list'.
-        (let (vimpulse-mark-list)
-          (push-mark current-pos t nil))
-        (goto-char next-pos)
-        (setq vimpulse-mark-list (cdr vimpulse-mark-list))))))
+  (if (memq last-command '(vimpulse-jump-backward vimpulse-jump-forward))
+      (vimpulse-jump-to (ring-ref vimpulse-jump-list
+                                  (setq vimpulse-jump-list-curpos
+                                        (- vimpulse-jump-list-curpos arg))))
+    (vimpulse-record-jump)
+    (vimpulse-jump-to (ring-ref vimpulse-jump-list
+                                (setq vimpulse-jump-list-curpos (- arg))))))
 (when vimpulse-want-C-i-like-Vim
   (define-key viper-vi-basic-map "\C-i" 'vimpulse-jump-forward))


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