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Re: Emacs users a dying breed?

From: Tom
Subject: Re: Emacs users a dying breed?
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 06:19:32 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

rusi <rustompmody <at>> writes:

> Do you think it may be good to trifurcate your 'question-mark' into
> these 3?
> 1. Revitalizing the emacs user base
> 2. Revitalizing the developer base
> 3. In the light of the huge changes in technology and 'demographic
> profile' of computers and their usage from 1980s to now, rethinking
> the priorities/direction of emacs

There were discussions about this in the past. Apparently, the emacs
developers consider attracting more users/developers less of a priority
than keeping emacs as it is, that is they are not willing to overhaul 
emacs just to attract users who are used to modern IDEs.

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