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Re: run ssh in emacs

From: Haines Brown
Subject: Re: run ssh in emacs
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:18:42 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Ted Zlatanov <> writes:

> More importantly, (set auth-source-debug `trivia) is just wrong.  You
> mean to use `setq' there, but you should just customize the variable:
> `M-x customize-variable RET auth-source-debug'
> Save the customization.  Done.  Learn this method and use it for all
> variables you want to change.  The interface is very helpful.
> Do the same for `tramp-default-method' to set it to "ssh" as you desire.
> There's no reason to run these only when you use Tramp.

To keep things simple, I customized the auth-source variable to debug
and also the tramp-default-method to ftp. Even though I will want to
make ssh default, my concern at this point is to get access to web
server. I saved the customization. 

> HB> I now do C-x C-f /

> Erm, you're using SSH in your example but we started with FTP...
> With SSH, this will have nothing to do with auth-source. SSH has its own
> authentication system, typically managed through ssh-agent and so on.

With SSH to local hosts, I am presently successfully using
.authinfo. The reason for ssh showing up in the output is that I was
uncertain how to set the method for tramp to use, and to took most
conservative choice for the trial run. 

In my ~/authinfo I have the line:

  machine port ftp login Benutzer password Geheim

> Set `auth-source-debug' to 'trivia as requested, then open
> `/' and see what shows up in the *Messages*
> buffer (to see it, type `C-x b *Messages*').

Here is the answer to my question, which the info or man documents did
not answer. This defines the FTP method for the tramp sesson, and I
assume this overrides any tramp default method I may have set.

Running the address returns the request for password, and so .authinfo
apparently not used. The only thing in the *Messages* buffer is the
report that I've created customization setup. Only when I do RET in lieu
of providing a password, do I get a message. 

  1. Custom settings cannot be saved. Maybe you started Emacs with

     This indeed is what I'm doing. However, in my tramp init file
     I have the line (setq auth-source-debug `trivia).

  2. Tramp Default Method: ftp. State: EDITED, shown value does not take
     effect until you set or save it. 

Nothing here about the tramp session. 

I put (setq tramp-default-method "ftp") into my tramp init file and run
again. After the third RET in liew of password, I get a dump:

  (ftp-error #("FTP Error: USER request failed: 530 Login incorrect."
  32 52 (fontified nil front-sticky (field
  inhibit-line-move-field-capture) rear-nonsticky t field output
  inhibit-line-move-field-capture t))) signal(ftp-error (#("FTP Error:
  USER request failed: 530 Login incorrect."  32 52 (fontified nil
  front-sticky (field inhibit-line-move-field-capture) rear-nonsticky t
  field output inhibit-line-move-field-capture t))))
  byte-code("\301@A\"\207" [err signal] 3)
  ange-ftp-hook-function(expand-file-name "/"
  "~/") apply(ange-ftp-hook-function expand-file-name
  ("/" "~/"))
  "/" "~/") apply(tramp-ftp-file-name-handler
  expand-file-name ("/" "~/"))
  byte-code("\300\301\215\207" [suppress (apply foreign operation args)]
  2) #[nil "K\306\211 <now comes a bunch of hex> *\207" [foreign
  result sf file-name-handler-alist d default-directory nil autoload
  boundp temporary-file-directory eval standard-value fboundp
  temp-directory subrp functionp getenv "TEMP" file-directory-p
  file-name-as-directory "TMP" "TMPDIR" file-exists-p "c:/temp" message
  "Neither `temporary-file-directory' nor `temp-directory' is defined --
  using /tmp." "/tmp" load noerror nomessage non-essential (byte-code
  "\300\301\215\207" [suppress (apply foreign operation args)] 2) 5
  "Non-essential received in operation %s" append (byte-code " < a
  bunch of hex >\"\fP$*\207" [level tramp-verbose
  save-match-data-internal tramp-message-show-message fmt-string args
  match-data ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal
  set-match-data evaporate] 3)) 3 apply message 0 "" 1 2 "Warning: "
  "Tramp: " 4 processp buffer-name process-buffer
  tramp-dissect-file-name vectorp tramp-debug-message format "(%d) # "
  vec-or-proc default-directory] 6) ((error)) tramp-run-real-handler
  suppress 1 "Suppress received in operation %s" tramp-cleanup x v
  operation args fmt-string level vec-or-proc
  tramp-message-show-message] 7]()
  "/" "~/")
  expand-file-name("/" "~/")
  apply(expand-file-name ("/" "~/"))
  ("/" "~/"))
  "/" "~/")
  apply(file-directory-p "/")
  find-file-noselect("/" nil nil t)
  find-file("/" t)
  call-interactively(find-file nil nil)
  read-string("Password for " nil t nil)
  read-passwd("Password for ")
  ange-ftp-get-passwd("" "ussir03")
  ange-ftp-get-process("" "ussir03")
  ange-ftp-host-type("" "ussir03")
  ange-ftp-expand-dir("" "ussir03" "~")
  ange-ftp-expand-file-name("/" nil)
  apply(ange-ftp-expand-file-name ("/" nil))
  byte-code("\304\305 \306\216\307\n\"+\207" [debug-on-error
  save-match-data-internal fn args t match-data ((byte-code
  "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate]
  3)) apply] 3) ange-ftp-hook-function(expand-file-name
  "/" nil) apply(ange-ftp-hook-function
  expand-file-name ("/" nil))
  "/" nil) apply(tramp-ftp-file-name-handler
  expand-file-name ("/" nil))
  byte-code("\300\301\215\207" [suppress (apply foreign operation args)]
  2) #[nil "K\306...\202 *\207" [foreign result sf
  file-name-handler-alist d default-directory nil autoload boundp
  temporary-file-directory eval standard-value fboundp temp-directory
  subrp functionp getenv "TEMP" file-directory-p file-name-as-directory
  "TMP" "TMPDIR" file-exists-p "c:/temp" message "Neither
  `temporary-file-directory' nor `temp-directory' is defined -- using
  /tmp." "/tmp" load noerror nomessage non-essential (byte-code
  "\300\... $*\207" [level tramp-verbose save-match-data-internal
  tramp-message-show-message fmt-string args match-data ((byte-code
  "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate]
  3)) 3 apply message 0 "" 1 2 "Warning: " "Tramp: " 4 processp
  buffer-name process-buffer tramp-dissect-file-name vectorp
  tramp-debug-message format "(%d) # " vec-or-proc default-directory] 6)
  ((error)) tramp-run-real-handler suppress 1 "Suppress received in
  operation %s" tramp-cleanup x v operation args fmt-string level
  vec-or-proc tramp-message-show-message] 7]() funcall(#[nil
  "K\306...\202 ... *\207" [foreign result sf
  file-name-handler-alist d default-directory nil autoload boundp
  temporary-file-directory eval standard-value fboundp temp-directory
  subrp functionp getenv "TEMP" file-directory-p file-name-as-directory
  "TMP" "TMPDIR" file-exists-p "c:/temp" message "Neither
  `temporary-file-directory' nor `temp-directory' is defined -- using
  /tmp." "/tmp" load noerror nomessage non-essential (byte-code
  "\300\301\215\207" [suppress (apply foreign operation args)] 2) 5
  "Non-essential received in operation %s" append (byte-code "
  X\205}... *\207" [level tramp-verbose save-match-data-internal
  tramp-message-show-message fmt-string args match-data ((byte-code
  "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate]
  3)) 3 apply message 0 "" 1 2 "Warning: " "Tramp: " 4 processp
  buffer-name process-buffer tramp-dissect-file-name vectorp
  tramp-debug-message format "(%d) # " vec-or-proc default-directory] 6)
  ((error)) tramp-run-real-handler suppress 1 "Suppress received in
  operation %s" tramp-cleanup x v operation args fmt-string level
  vec-or-proc tramp-message-show-message] 7])
  "/" nil)
  expand-file-name("/" nil)
  apply(expand-file-name ("/" nil))
  ("/" nil))
  "/" nil)
  find-file-noselect("/" nil nil t)
  find-file("/" t)
  call-interactively(find-file nil nil)

Well, this is a lot. The only thing that strikes me is:
  find-file("/" t)
  call-interactively(find-file nil nil)
  read-string("Password for " nil t nil)
  read-passwd("Password for ")

It seems it finds .authinfo file but can't read it. 

   $ ls -la | grep authinfo
   -rw-r--r--  1 haines haines   1169 Jan 16 11:55 .authinfo

The password has a couple "#" characters in it, so I put it into
quotation marks, but it didn't help.


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