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Re: flyspell or ispell keyboard shortcuts instead of middle mouse

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: flyspell or ispell keyboard shortcuts instead of middle mouse
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2015 04:03:00 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

DJ <> writes:

> Are there keyboard shortcuts that would let me add
> a word without stopping and grabbing the mouse?
> I don't mean when spell checking an entire buffer or
> region. I mean on the fly whenever a word is
> highlighted as misspelled.

Flyspell is a good idea but the everyday fail case is
there are so many words that are correct but not in
the dictionaries. So it is very disruptive having to
do that all the time. Better to type and then
spellcheck, *once*.

But to each his own. Yes, most likely you can do what
you want. First, find out what function is invoked
when you hit the mouse way. Second, check the help for
that function to learn its interface. If indeed mouse
only (how now that looks?) - if so, use `apropos' or
auto-complete to find out if there are variations to
that function. My hunch is, if you have point at the
misspelled word, that is enough to interact with it by
means of some `-dwim' or `-at-point' function.

Here is what I do for spelling - once, i.e. right now
before I send this message. OK, as usual, not a single
mistake. Case closed - disruptionless.

underground experts united

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