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Re: aggressive-indent-mode freezes

From: Joost Kremers
Subject: Re: aggressive-indent-mode freezes
Date: 10 Feb 2016 12:03:28 GMT
User-agent: slrn/1.0.1 (Linux)

Alexis wrote:
> Luca Ferrari <> writes:
>> Done, and the php file now is indented quickly. Therefore there 
>> is something else that is causing the problem. Now, what is the 
>> best way to find out without having to comment out each loaded 
>> module and iteratively try?
> Well, if i were in this situation, i would bisect and re-bisect my 
> config file to narrow things down to the section which seems to 
> cause the problem. However, my config is indeed mostly done via a 
> single file, and i don't make use of things like starter kits, 
> Spacemacs, etc. If you do, i'm not sure what the best approach 
> might be - perhaps someone else could make some suggestions .... ?

Emacs has a profiler:

(info "(elisp) Profiling")

You can use it to check in what function(s) Emacs spends the most time
while opening/editing the file in question. That usually points to a
package that is resource-intensive.

Joost Kremers                         
Selbst in die Unterwelt dringt durch Spalten Licht

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