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Re: JIT Emacs

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: JIT Emacs
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 05:33:10 +0300

> From: Emanuel Berg <>
> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 20:49:11 +0200
> I just downloaded and built the JIT Emacs.
> Easy and it worked great. But I didn't install
> it because I wanted to try it out first.
> However trying to bring in my own Elisp was
> another matter. Compilation brought literally
> hundreds of errors and warnings, files not
> found, functions not defined, etc. etc.
> So is there a method to do this, which, while
> not solving every single problem at once, at
> least will, as far as possible, minimize the
> transition problem?

I don't think I understand the problem you are describing.  Using
Emacs with JIT doesn't require recompiling any Lisp files.

Also, what kinds of errors and warnings did you see?

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