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Re: Temporary notes in Emacs buffers?

From: John Yates
Subject: Re: Temporary notes in Emacs buffers?
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2020 22:35:22 -0500

This broaches the question of what is being annotated,
the file as a container (e.g. inode) or its contents:

   1. What happens when one moves the file?
   2. What happens when one copies the file?
   3. What if after the copy one deletes the original?

My sense is that this thread is most concerned with use
case number 1.

An approach not yet mentioned is including some form of
UUID as a file local variable.  In such a setting notes
indirect through a persistent UUID-to-path map.  A file
handler recognizes relevant operations on UUID annotated
and updates the map.  This might also include updating
the new copy's UUID to preserve uniqueness.


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