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RE: [External] : Re: Documentation about elisp code

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: [External] : Re: Documentation about elisp code
Date: Sun, 2 May 2021 23:10:19 +0000

> Is there a way to call the documentation of another defun from the
> in the doc-string using some sort of link?

Yes.  Just do the following in your doc string:

1. Put the function or command (or variable or option)
   name between ` and ' in your doc string.  E.g.,

2. Put the word "function" or "command" (or "variable"
   or "option") immediately before the text of #1 in
   your doc string.  E.g., "...function `foobar'...".


(defun tata ()
  "This is tata.
And here is a link to function `forward-char'."

Programmatically, the link is created by a function
such as `help-insert-xref-button', to which you pass
the link-text string and a button type (and possibly
other args).  You can create a new button type using
macro `define-button-type'.

For the definition of `help-insert-xref-button',
examples of its use, and examples of defining button
types, see standard library `help-mode.el'. 

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