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Re: [External] : Re: Would there be a drawback of using the same graphic

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: [External] : Re: Would there be a drawback of using the same graphical toolkit on every platform?
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 07:28:31 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Jean Louis wrote:

>>> (Not a reply to any particular msg in this thread.)
>> So there are lumpers and splitters ...
>> I'm a lumper!
> Lumper wrote the article, now you tend to agree.
> People can't be put in two groups. One can only take one
> specific narrow context, and judge from a point of view that
> one side is lumper oder splitter.

But isn't the "lumping" in this context lumping together the
proprietary Unix systems (e.g. SunOS/Solaris), the Linux
distros and the BSDs into Unix?

While the splitting is splitting the Unix into "Unix" and

> If we are to judge you to be lumper... you are far from
> that. You would not be on this mailing list if you would
> generally be a lumper. Why? You are pedantic in every
> detail, you correct smallest nitpicks just like Drew.

That's a method/mindset that is beneficial in computing, you
don't have to think "should I fix this?", you just fix
everything without thinking at all, pretty soon.

I don't know if it can ever go overboard but if so I'll take
it and consider it an occupational hazard ...

> There is general tendency in Emacs society to go rather
> towards "splitters" group. Lumpers don't participate much
> in discussions.

That comment is so splitter. Why don't you join the lumper's
camp and get into the game?

> I don't see it that way. Intelligence is very related to
> distinction. The higher ability to distinguish, probably
> there is more intelligence. Lumpers could or may see that
> distinction is not necessary in specific subject, it does
> not mean they cannot distinguish. But it could be.

What are you kidding, I _understand_ the Unix/Unix-like
distinction very well! I'm intelligent enough to do that LOL.
No, I disagree that is incorrect not to use it, because
I think that distinctions in the world of technology should be
made in terms of technology and reflect technology. What some
business dudes piled together in their fancy documents
shouldn't influence how I, a technology person, refer to
technology. dig(1)?

> Do you see this letter A and A? Are they same? They look
> same but they are not same, as they must be saved in quite
> different locations by different impulses which are not
> same.

Here we see my Lumper instinct, because I think they are
both A.

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