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Completion with different values and displayed things

From: mbork
Subject: Completion with different values and displayed things
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 05:44:35 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.0; emacs 30.0.50

Hi all!

I have a list of "things" and I need to use `completing-read' (or
another completion mechanism) to enable the user to select one of them.
Here's the problem.  Every "thing" has, say, three things, like
(:name "Thing" :description "The important thing" :id 1337)
I want my completion to:
- complete on :name
- display also :description (there could be two different "things" with
  the same :name's but different :description's)
- and return :id

I use Ivy, but I'd prefer to make this work with any completion
framework (or even with Emacs vanilla completion).

Does Emacs has anything like this?  More or less, I'd like an equivalent
of HTML's <select> where displayed thing is different than the "value"
attribute.  It is important though to use some sort of completion
instead of e.g. displaying all options annotated by numbers/letters and
letting the user type the number or a letter associated with the one
they want - there are too many of them for this to be comfortable.


Marcin Borkowski

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