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Re: gnutls error on Emacs for Android armeabi 7a

From: Lockywolf
Subject: Re: gnutls error on Emacs for Android armeabi 7a
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2024 20:14:27 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.7; emacs 30.0.50

Po Lu <> writes:
> Generally speaking, it is redundant to generate a signing key and resign
> both Termux and Emacs, as their default keys are available to the
> public:
> since, evidently, Android's policy of restricting program
> interoperability to programs from a single publisher does not commend
> itself to us or them.

How do I use Emacs' keystore to re-sign termux-widget?

I downloaded termux-widget from

I tried both

#+begin_src bash
apksigner sign --v2-signing-enabled --ks ./emacs.keystore \
-debuggable-apk-permitted --ks-pass pass:<see git> \


#+begin_src bash
jarsigner -storepass <see repo> -verbose -keystore ./emacs.keystore \
termux-widget_v0.13.0+github-debug.apk 'emacs keystore'

but both seem to produce an apk that is rejected by Android.
Am I missing something?

Termux widget is quite useful, allows running sh commands from an
android widget.

Your sincerely,
Vladimir Nikishkin (MiEr, lockywolf)

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