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Re: arm-elf-g++ linker error

From: Lionel B
Subject: Re: arm-elf-g++ linker error
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 08:45:37 +0100

"Hansen" <> wrote in message 
> Hi Group
> I've started up a C++ standard make project in Eclipse, where I would
> like to make an applikation for the lpc2138.
> When trying to use C++ functions like <stdio.h> and printf() I get the
> following message when linking:
> undefined reference to 'puts'
> I get the same kind of message when trying other functions as well, and also
> when trying to declare a function as virtual. Also when using assert() which
> are a C function.
> My linking command looks like this:
> -T $(LD_SCRIPT_RAM) -lstdc++
> -Wl,-Map=".\bin\Ram\",-Ttext=0x40000000,-Tdata=0x40003000 \
> --gc-sections -o .\RAM\Blinky.elf \
> -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs

It sounds as if the linker is not picking up the standard library libc. Is 
there a particular reason you are using
he  -nostartfiles and -nodefaultlibs options? These tell the linker not to use 
standard system startup files and
standard system libraries respectively. Without -nodefaultlibs you shouldn't 
have to specify -lstdc++ either - the
linker should automatically pick up the standard libraries.  Maybe try passing:

-Wl,-Map=".\bin\Ram\",-Ttext=0x40000000,-Tdata=0x40003000 \
--gc-sections -o .\RAM\Blinky.elf


Lionel B

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