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Re: [Help-gsl] Help with GSL Matrices

From: adarsh
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] Help with GSL Matrices
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 17:48:50 -0500 (CDT)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.5

That's exactly what I did. The first gsl_matrix_free(b) was a valid
instruction and didnot give out a segmentation fault error. However, the
segmentation fault error was generated by the gsl_matrix_free(b) inside
the try block.

Can anyone help me sort this out?


> use directly this:
> try{
>    gsl_matrix_free(b);
> }
> catch (const char *s){
>    // i interpret this as: "do not take any action"
> }
> cause you cannot free what you have ever freed before by the first :
> gsl_matrix_free(b);
> Regards
> 2006/6/10, address@hidden <address@hidden>:
>> Hey All:
>> Is there a way we can avoid Segmentation fault error when we try to free
>> a
>> gsl_matrix that was never allocated, or that has already been freed? I
>> tried the following but didn't help:
>> gsl_matrix_free(b);
>> try{
>>    gsl_matrix_free(b);
>> }
>> catch (const char *s){
>>    // i interpret this as: "do not take any action"
>> }
>> Thanks,
>> Adarsh
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> Benamar BERRABAH
> Master Student
> LIPN Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord
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