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Re: [Help-gsl] linking libraries

From: Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] linking libraries
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:38:50 -0600

On 13/03/07, cigdem ozkan <address@hidden> wrote:
  I dowloaded GSL version 1.9 today and am trying to compile the ODE example on 
the GNU scietific library web page. I get the following error:
  cd c:/
g++ -g test-ode.C -o test-ode -lm
test-ode.C:14: gsl/gsl_errno.h: No such file or directory
test-ode.C:15: gsl/gsl_matrix.h: No such file or directory
test-ode.C:16: gsl/gsl_odeiv.h: No such file or directory

Note that you still haven't linked yet (#including a header file is
different from linking with a library in object code). You probably
will want to pass the -lgsl and -lgslcblas options g++ after the
options you wrote above so that g++ will tell the GNU linker to link
with the GSL library. You may also need to specify a linking path with
-L/path/to/gsl/object/code in case the GNU linker can't find it.

- Jordi G. H.

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