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[Help-gsl] Why the PI in the file trig.c of the GNU Scientific Library b

From: 易昕
Subject: [Help-gsl] Why the PI in the file trig.c of the GNU Scientific Library be divided in three parts?
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 19:16:41 +0800

In code below, why is Pi divided in three constants P1, P2 and P3? Is there 
some related math theory? If it is for improve the compute accuracy for r, I 
run the code on higher precision but without any improve than just Pi.(The code 
from gsl/specfunc/trig.c:576)

  const double P1 = 4 * 7.85398125648498535156e-01;
  const double P2 = 4 * 3.77489470793079817668e-08;
  const double P3 = 4 * 2.69515142907905952645e-15;
  const double TwoPi = 2*(P1 + P2 + P3);

  const double y = 2*floor(theta/TwoPi);

  double r = ((theta - y*P1) - y*P2) - y*P3;

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