To install Debian GNU/Hurd in real hardware as easiest way, you needs:
- A x86 or x86_64 (in 32-bit) previous to 2012.
- A SATA interface with a "compatibility mode" to emulate SATA, or a machine with IDE harddisk.
- CD/DVD reader (alternatively you can connect the HDD to a Qemu Virtual Machine, using a SATA-USB adapter, and install from this)
- If the machine is a desktop, you need a PS/2 interface for mouse and keyboard
- CPU with integrated graphics
- Ethernet cable connection
- BIOS legacy
- HDD (not SSD)
Currently, the best supported machines seems the Thinkpad laptops previous to 2012, in special T60. I got good results with T410 too.
In desktop, sometimes I had some problems to connect the monitor.
I recommends to enable sudo, keeping in blank the root password (as this way, the root password is disabled, and sudo is installed) and doesn't select any desktop in tasksel step.
Could be a little warning about /dev/random, but this is not a problem for the installation.
Once installed, you must edit /etc/apt/sources.list, adding the repositories indicated in this web (in Installing More Packages section)
Maybe you had to add some of this with [trusted=yes] to avoid key problems.
After adding the repositories, I recommends to upgrade the system with
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt full-upgrade
Reboot the system if gnumach package is upgraded.
And, to halt the machine, sometimes is better use the command halt-hurd than simply halt
If you want to install a desktop environment, you need to follow the steps from previous guide to enable the Xorg permissions, and run startx to start the desktop.
About desktop managers, only XDM is supported.
And, this is all!!
Try Debian GNU/Hurd in your testing machine and report us the results.