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DER coding CRLDistributions points

From: Andy Newton
Subject: DER coding CRLDistributions points
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 16:35:28 +0000


I am attempting to DER code the id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints x509 extension. I'm 
using the pkix.asn file that accompanies libtasn1 (v2.9), but I've added some 
structures for RFC 3779. I've using asn1Parse to convert it to a C array. The 
DER coding works without error, but the resulting DER is incompatible with 
OpenSSL and dumpasn1 shows differing structures from my DER and a certificate 
that does work with OpenSSL.

Here is my code snippet that is creating the DER structure:

        // cdp is constructed as the ASN1_TYPE holding the structure of the 
        // write new thing in cdp sequence
        result = asn1_write_value( cdp, "", "NEW", 1 );
        // write cdp full name choice
        result = asn1_write_value( cdp, "?LAST.distributionPoint", "fullName", 
1 );
        // write new sequence item for cdp general name
        result = asn1_write_value( cdp, "?LAST.distributionPoint.fullName", 
"NEW", 1 );
        // write cdp uniformResourceIdentifier choice
        result = asn1_write_value( cdp, 
"?LAST.distributionPoint.fullName.?LAST", "uniformResourceIdentifier", 1 );
        // write cdp URI
        result = asn1_write_value( cdp, 
                cert->crlDistributionPoint, strlen( cert->crlDistributionPoint 
) );
        // write NULL for cdp reasons
        result = asn1_write_value( cdp, "?LAST.reasons", NULL, 0 );
        // write NULL for cdp cRLIssuer
        result = asn1_write_value( cdp, "?LAST.cRLIssuer", NULL, 0 );

>From reading RFC 5280 and the pkix.asn file, I think this is correct.

However, when OpenSSL looks at this extension, here is what I get:

            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 

Here is what OpenSSL prints for another certificate (from some Java software) 
with this extension:

            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 

                Full Name:

Using dumpasn1, I can see that the version working with OpenSSL has an extra 
sequence which mine does not.

Here is my extension as seen by dumpasn1:

 534   53:         SEQUENCE {
    <06 03>
 536    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER cRLDistributionPoints (2 5 29 31)
         :             (X.509 extension)
    <04 2E>
 541   46:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
    <30 2C>
 543   44:             SEQUENCE {
    <30 2A>
 545   42:               SEQUENCE {
    <A0 28>
 547   40:                 [0] {
    <86 26>
 549   38:                   [6] 'rsync://'
         :                   }
         :                 }
         :               }
         :             }
         :           }
         :         }

And here is the extension of the working cert as seen by dumpasn1:

 923  128:         SEQUENCE {
    <06 03>
 926    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER cRLDistributionPoints (2 5 29 31)
         :             (X.509 extension)
    <04 79>
 931  121:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
    <30 77>
 933  119:             SEQUENCE {
    <30 75>
 935  117:               SEQUENCE {
    <A0 73>
 937  115:                 [0] {
    <A0 71>
 939  113:                   [0] {
    <86 6F>
 941  111:                     [6]
         :                   'rsync://'
         :                   '2-62a7-418e-9d4d-10a5cde21cf3/1/z7IkhiTQCJViMu58'
         :                   'ltnGiAqTm98.crl'
         :                     }
         :                   }
         :                 }
         :               }
         :             }
         :           }

It seems I'm missing an extra sequence, but I cannot determine where. Also, if 
I am I don't know why libtasn1 is allowing me to code the DER without complaint.

Any help is appreciated.


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