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Re: [PATCH] cleanup _asn1_copy_structure3

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Re: [PATCH] cleanup _asn1_copy_structure3
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2012 10:03:38 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/23.3 (gnu/linux)

Tim Ruehsen <address@hidden> writes:

>> > Well the clang analyser is mentioned... since the last check, some time
>> > may have been passed ... using it, you will at least find one serious
>> > memory error.
>> If you could explain more, that would help.
> You could just do
>       make clean
>       scan-build ./configure
>       scan-build make
>       scan-view <whatever it says>

Yep, this is done for every release, see

> At least the memory leak(s) in coding.c/_asn1_ordering_set() is obvious.
> I did not research the other ones.

Patches to resolve it are welcome -- or new self-test that trigger the
memory leak.  Our test suite is run under valgrind and it hasn't noticed
this memory leak.  (Note that clang warnings can be wrong..)

>> If you want to work on it, you could add a new
>> gnutls_certificate_print_formats_t symbol that would make
>> gnutls_x509_crt_print print new certificate in a machine readable
>> format.  I think that would be quite useful, and not too difficult to
>> do.  Just make sure you output opaque blobs for things that haven't yet
>> been given a machine readable format -- I'm thinking primarily
>> extensions.
> Thanks for the hints. First of all i need some time...

Same here :-)  This is a voluntary project after all.


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