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Re: Der encoding problem

From: oriol caño
Subject: Re: Der encoding problem
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 16:21:33 +0100

Hello again,

I fixed my problem.

Sorry for the trouble.

Oriol Caño

On 10 February 2016 at 12:20, oriol caño <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello all,

I am using the libtasn1 library API to DER-encode a message.

However, after creating the correct structure, and calling the asn1_der_coding function twice, as I saw in some code from the library itself, it only encodes a part of the message, and not all of it.

When I call the coding function first, it returns me the length needed to encode the whole structure. However, after calling the function the second time with a buffer of the correct size, it only outputs a buffer with barely one quarter of the total size.

I'll append the whole structure at the end of this message.
The encoding is truncated after a bit string sequence, concretely, the one named kdc-options.

Do you have any ideas on why could this be happening?
Any way of fixing it?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Oriol Caño

- Structure printed with the asn1_print_structure function, just before calling the first asn1_der_coding function:

name:NULL  type:SEQUENCE  attr:TAG,
  name:NULL  type:TAG  value:10  attr:APPLICATION,EXPLICIT,
  name:pvno  type:INTEGER  value:0x05  attr:TAG,
    name:NULL  type:TAG  value:1  attr:EXPLICIT,
  name:msg-type  type:INTEGER  value:0x0a  attr:TAG,
    name:NULL  type:TAG  value:2  attr:EXPLICIT,
  name:padata  type:SEQ_OF  attr:TAG,OPTION,
    name:NULL  type:TAG  value:3  attr:EXPLICIT,
    name:NULL  type:SEQUENCE
      name:padata-type  type:INTEGER  attr:TAG,MIN_MAX,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:1  attr:EXPLICIT,
        name:-2147483648  type:SIZE  value:2147483647
      name:padata-value  type:OCT_STR  attr:TAG,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:2  attr:EXPLICIT,
    name:?1  type:SEQUENCE
      name:padata-type  type:INTEGER  value:0x1c  attr:TAG,MIN_MAX,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:1  attr:EXPLICIT,
        name:-2147483648  type:SIZE  value:2147483647
      name:padata-value  type:OCT_STR  value:70612d6b786f766572  attr:TAG,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:2  attr:EXPLICIT,
    name:?2  type:SEQUENCE
      name:padata-type  type:INTEGER  value:0x10  attr:TAG,MIN_MAX,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:1  attr:EXPLICIT,
        name:-2147483648  type:SIZE  value:2147483647
      name:padata-value  type:OCT_STR  value:300a800830150609  attr:TAG,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:2  attr:EXPLICIT,
  name:req-body  type:SEQUENCE  attr:TAG,
    name:NULL  type:TAG  value:4  attr:EXPLICIT,
    name:kdc-options  type:BIT_STR  value(32):00000000  attr:TAG,SIZE,
      name:NULL  type:TAG  value:0  attr:EXPLICIT,
    name:cname  type:SEQUENCE  attr:TAG,OPTION,
      name:NULL  type:TAG  value:1  attr:EXPLICIT,
      name:name-type  type:INTEGER  value:0x02  attr:TAG,MIN_MAX,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:0  attr:EXPLICIT,
        name:-2147483648  type:SIZE  value:2147483647
      name:name-string  type:SEQ_OF  attr:TAG,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:1  attr:EXPLICIT,
        name:NULL  type:GENERALSTRING
        name:?1  type:GENERALSTRING  value:address@hidden
    name:realm  type:GENERALSTRING  value:SOAD.DEV.ARPA2.ORG  attr:TAG,
      name:NULL  type:TAG  value:2  attr:EXPLICIT,
    name:sname  type:SEQUENCE  attr:TAG,OPTION,
      name:NULL  type:TAG  value:3  attr:EXPLICIT,
      name:name-type  type:INTEGER  value:0x02  attr:TAG,MIN_MAX,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:0  attr:EXPLICIT,
        name:-2147483648  type:SIZE  value:2147483647
      name:name-string  type:SEQ_OF  attr:TAG,
        name:NULL  type:TAG  value:1  attr:EXPLICIT,
        name:NULL  type:GENERALSTRING
        name:?1  type:GENERALSTRING  value:address@hidden
    name:from  type:GENERALIZED_TIME  value:20160310110054  attr:TAG,OPTION,
      name:NULL  type:TAG  value:4  attr:EXPLICIT,
    name:till  type:GENERALIZED_TIME  value:20160310110054  attr:TAG,
      name:NULL  type:TAG  value:5  attr:EXPLICIT,
    name:nonce  type:INTEGER  value:0x6b8b4567  attr:TAG,MIN_MAX,
      name:NULL  type:TAG  value:7  attr:EXPLICIT,
      name:0  type:SIZE  value:4294967295
    name:etype  type:SEQ_OF  attr:TAG,
      name:NULL  type:TAG  value:8  attr:EXPLICIT,
      name:NULL  type:INTEGER  attr:MIN_MAX,
        name:-2147483648  type:SIZE  value:2147483647
      name:?1  type:INTEGER  value:0x0b  attr:MIN_MAX,
        name:-2147483648  type:SIZE  value:2147483647

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