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Re: How to preserve $-containing terms in an expanded variable (with cal

From: Dimitry Golubovsky
Subject: Re: How to preserve $-containing terms in an expanded variable (with call)?
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:24:57 -0500

Thanks for the replies. Indeed, I have already found alternative
solution and changed the logics of my Makefile, so this is no longer

But here are more details (from the past).

Of course, I meant $(1), not $(U): this was just a typo. Secondly, the
call to my variable was part of invocation of  a recursive make, like
this (here is the full target, tabs not preserved):

        cd fudgets/Graphics/UI/Fudgets; ln -sf _ghc CompDep
        cd fudgets/Graphics/UI/Fudgets; ln -sf _ghc_dialogue Dialogue
        cd xlib; make ghc-all ; mv ghc-xlib.a libGhcXlib.a
        make cabalfile  COMP=Ghc \
                        EXTRAPKG= \
                        EXTRAEXT= \
                        EXCLMOD="grep -v GhcWord | \
                                 grep -v P_IOC | \
                                 grep -v SPLib | \
                                 grep -v extract | \
                                 grep -v multiclass | \
                                 grep -v Barlayouter | \
                                 grep -v Exceptions | \
                                 grep -v Splogue | \
                                 grep -v Fudlogue | \
                                 grep -v DFudlogue | \
                                 grep -v TextCursor | \
                                 grep -v OldStateMonads | \
                                 grep -v OldEdit | \
                                 grep -v OldTerminalF | \
                                 grep -v Edit2 | \
                                 grep -v Contrib | \
                                 grep -v DrawCompiledGraphics[23]" \
                        EXTRALIBDIRS="\/usr\/X11\/lib" \
                        EXTRALIBS="GhcXlib X11 Xext"

and the call to my variable was to be inserted among those grep -v's, like this:

                                 grep -v OldEdit | \
                                 $(call myvar,MenuBar) | \
                                 grep -v OldTerminalF | \
                                 grep -v Edit2 | \

myvar = awk '$$0 != $(1) { .... }'

Here is the target of the recursive make (to see how EXCLMOD is used).

        cat $(SETUP) > Setup.hs
        cat | \
          sed 's/@COMP@/$(COMP)/g' | \
          sed 's/@EXTRAPKG@/$(EXTRAPKG)/g' | \
          sed 's/@EXTRAEXT@/$(EXTRAEXT)/g' | \
          sed 's/@COMPOPTIONS@/$(COMPOPTIONS)/g' | \
          sed 's/@EXTRALIBDIRS@/$(EXTRALIBDIRS)/g' | \
          sed 's/@EXTRALIBS@/$(EXTRALIBS)/g' \
          > Fudgets.cabal
        echo "Include-dirs:" >> Fudgets.cabal
        find include -type d | sed 's/^/  /g' >> Fudgets.cabal
        echo "C-sources:" >> Fudgets.cabal
        ls -1 cbits/*.c | sed 's/^/  /g' >> Fudgets.cabal
        echo "Other-modules:" >> Fudgets.cabal
        (cd fudgets ; ls -1 Graphics/UI/Fudgets/[A-Z]*/*.hs) | sed
's/^/  /g' | \
          sed 's/\//./g' | sed 's/\.hs$$//g' | $(EXCLMOD) >> Fudgets.cabal
        (cd compat ; ls -1 Graphics/UI/Fudgets/[A-Z]*/*.hs) | sed 's/^/  /g' | \
          sed 's/\//./g' | sed 's/\.hs$$//g' | $(EXCLMOD) >> Fudgets.cabal
        echo "Exposed-modules:" >> Fudgets.cabal
        (cd fudgets ; ls -1 Graphics/UI/Fudgets/*.hs) | sed 's/^/  /g' | \
          sed 's/\//./g' | sed 's/\.hs$$//g' | $(EXCLMOD) >> Fudgets.cabal

I am writing this out of my memory because the Makefile has already
been overwritten with new logics. Maybe the part of the problem was
that it was the shell running recursive make that expanded the $$0,
but I tried to insert backslashes to escape dollar signs; this did not
help. Anyway, if it can be found where I was mistaken, this might help
someone else trying to do similar things.

Dimitry Golubovsky

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