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RE: Fun With Indirection

From: Dave Korn
Subject: RE: Fun With Indirection
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 13:42:36 +0100

On 29 August 2007 05:08, David A. Greene wrote:

> Here's a puzzler.  Using the attached, I get the output I expect
> with a "make all:"
> VARa1 = var1
> VARa2 =
> vara1 yes
> testa done!
> VARb1 = var1
> VARb2 =
> varb1 yes
> testb done!
> However, if I uncomment one of the lines calling testera or testerb, I get
> a "missing separator" error.  I might have expected both $(info) calls to
> fire when passing args 3 and 4 to testa/testb (which isn't what I want)
> but I don't see any syntax problems.
> Any ideas?

  Yep.  It wasn't my mysterious bug after all:

#$(call testera,VAR1,VAR2,$$(info var1 yes),$$(info var2 yes)))
#$(call testerb,VAR1,VAR2,test1,test2))

  You have one closing bracket too many at the end of each of those lines!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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