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Re: Odd issue w/ Make including contents of linker script...

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: Odd issue w/ Make including contents of linker script...
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 02:29:20 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

On 2007-10-20 01:03Z, Rick Flower wrote:
> Hi all.. We started using a linker input script (for use w/ GNU ld) and I
> specified that in my Makefile like so :
> LINK_SCRIPT_FILE = linker-inputs.txt
> That is then appended to the list of objects specified later :
> OBJECTs := ... [file list here] ...
> ...

Probably the case of the last letter (OBJECTS vs. OBJECTs) is just
an email typo, but I'll mention it just in case it somehow affects
the problem.

But does a linker script really belong in $(OBJECTS) per se? Would
it be more natural to write 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-T$(LINK_SCRIPT_FILE)',
for instance, and perhaps less error prone?

> However, GNU Make (version 3.81) wants to implicitly read the contents of
> the linker-inputs.txt file instead of just holding it and specifying it
> for the linker which is what I want.. Is there some way to keep Make from
> trying to read the contents of this file?

'make' seems to consider it a makefile. Might you have something like
  include *.txt
in one of your set of makefiles?

Could it be that an autodependency rule that operates on everything
in $(OBJECTS) causes this file to be included in a makefile?

> Interestly enough, if I rename
> the text file to be a ".o" file then it works as I want.. Any ideas? Below
> is what I see :
> make -d all
> Reading makefiles...
> Reading makefile `Makefile'...
[...more makefiles...]
> Reading makefile `/export/home/rflower/test/foo/Makefile-includes.mak'
> (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
[...more makefiles...]
> Reading makefile `linker-inputs.txt' (search path) (don't care) (no ~
> expansion)...
> linker-inputs.txt:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.

I don't know how that could happen except due to an 'include' directive.
First place I'd look is 'Makefile-includes.mak'.

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