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Converting Microsoft from nmake to GNU make

From: Anjum Naseer
Subject: Converting Microsoft from nmake to GNU make
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 17:55:31 +0100


I want to use GNU make in favour of Microsoft NMake and have been doing
some investigations on how to convert our existing makefiles. Here is a
summary of what I have discovered and tested so far:
      NMAKE                               GNU MAKE
        =======                                 ==========
      !MESSAGE hello world                $(info hello world)

      !ERROR message                      $(error message)

      !INCLUDE filename                   include filename

      $(MAKEDIR)                          $(CURDIR)

      $(@D)                               $(@D:\=)

      $(@F)                               $(@F)

      $(@B)                               $(basename $(@F))

      $(@R)                               $(basename $@)

      $(var:find=replace)                 $(subst find,replace,$(var))

      !IF "a" == "b"     (also !=)        ifeq (a, b)
(also ifneq)
      ...                                 ...
      !ELSE                               else
      ...                                 ...
      !ENDIF                              endif

      !IF DEFINED(var)   (also !DEFINED)  ifdef var
(also ifndef)
      ...                                 ...
      !ELSE                               else
      ...                                 ...
      !ENDIF                              endif

      !IF EXIST("filename")               ifeq ($(wildcard filename),
filename)  (NOTE: Case-sensitive!)
      ...                                 ...
      !ELSE                               else
      ...                                 ...
      !ENDIF                              endif

      doit:                               define runit_cmd
         @echo <<runit.cmd >nul           ...$(1), $(2), $(3),...
         ...%1,%2,%3,...                  endef
         <<                               doit:
         @call runit.cmd x y z               $(call runit_cmd, x, y, z)

Things I haven't found an alternative for yet:
1. Logical operations on !IF, e.g.:

!IF DEFINED(xyz) && ("a" == "b") || ("c" == "d")

2. Repeating a command for every dependency of a target, e.g.:

fred: a.adl b.adl c.adl
   !nmake buildall MODULE=$** BUILDADL.MAK

Can anyone help me out on these two cases?

Thanks in advance,


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