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Re: Parallel jobs with order-only prerequisites

From: Steven Simpson
Subject: Re: Parallel jobs with order-only prerequisites
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:38:38 +0100
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On 13/10/14 21:56, Dawid Gosławski wrote:
I was talking about something like that:

all:: | foo.done
    @echo "\nCompilation finished !!!\n"
    @echo "----\nListing timestamps:"
    @find ./ -name "*api*" -printf "%f - %c\n" | sort

FILES :=foo.src bar.src baz.src

    @touch $@

%.done: %.src
    @echo "1-$(@F)) Starting"
    @echo "  1.1-$(@F)) Making"
@echo $(DATA) > $(patsubst %.done,%.api-tmp, $@) # Of course it's only for example
    @echo "  1.2-$(@F)) Generated api-tmp"
    @echo "  1.3-$(@F)) COMPILED !!!"

Does this not lack a 'touch $@' to mark the "compilation" complete? Otherwise all modules get built every time.

(If so, should it go before or after creating %.api-tmp, as the two are compared in the next rule?)

# Ensure that api exist only AFTER compilation of %.done succeded
# Because
# Empty cause "done" step created api-tmp (for comparing with old one) we use api it should also exists at this stage - provided by done
%.api-tmp: %.done
@echo "2.0-$(@F)) Api-tmp hit so $^ is ready and $(patsubst %.api-tmp,%.api, $@) too !!!"
    @cmp -s "$@" "$(patsubst %.api-tmp,%.api, $@)" || \
( cp "$@" "$(patsubst %.api-tmp,%.api, $@)" ; echo " 3.1) $@" API COPIED!!! )

foo.done: bar.done baz.done bar.api-tmp baz.api-tmp

Don't the first two prerequisites mean that foo is compiled every time bar or baz is? My aim is to prevent that, only compiling foo if the /profiles/ of bar or baz change.

Anyway, I think I get the point about separating the cmp-cp from compilation, and it has lead me to this:

all:: foo.done

%.done: %.src
        @echo Starting "$*"
        @sleep 2
        @touch "$@"
        @tr -d ' \n' < "$<" > "$*.api-tmp"
        @echo Completed "$*"

bar.api: | bar.done
baz.api: | baz.done
foo.api: | foo.done

%.api: %.done
        @echo Testing API of "$*"
        @cmp -s "$*.api" "$*.api-tmp" || \
                ( cp "$*.api-tmp" "$*.api" ; echo "$*" API changed )

foo.done: bar.api baz.api

        $(RM) *~
        $(RM) *.done
        $(RM) *.api
        $(RM) *.api-tmp

This seems to work in both serial and parallel.

There is a small disadvantage, in that the cmp-cp is done on every module that failed to produce a profile change last time, but these operations aren't very time-consuming. It also means that you don't get a re-assuring "Nothing to be done for `all'", even though nothing was practically done. (Is there a way to stop the building of %.api being counted as doing something?)

I'll see if I can incorporate it into my framework...



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