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Re: oct-view.exe not working on OS/2

From: gebhardt
Subject: Re: oct-view.exe not working on OS/2
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 22:01:51 +0100


 > scripts/image/image.m calls oct-view.exe to display an image, but it ...

oct-view.exe is part of the OS/2 port. It is used to allow starting more than
one PM program from Octave and to remove the temporary image file after
exiting the image viewer.

Before using oct-view.exe you have to set the following environment
variables: For example if you want to use PMView:

set OCTAVE_IMAGE_VIEWER=h:\apps\graphics\pmview\pmview.exe

Then oct-view will execute:

h:\apps\graphics\pmview\pmview.exe /WPos(,,,,ForAct) Imagefilename

Hope this helps. If not send me a message with an example how you start
gbmv.exe from an OS/2 window and a pointer to the source of GBM.

Klaus Gebhardt [TEAM OS/2]

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