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Re: Help...

From: lash
Subject: Re: Help...
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 16:13:19 -0600 (CST)

> Hi again,
> I must have a problem in my installation. I reinstalled all, in the right
> directories. Look at this:
> octave:60> version
> ans = 2.0.13
> octave:61> a
> a =
>  Column 1:
>   0.146959990262985 + 0.629222273826599i
>   0.718937337398529 + 0.628816068172455i
>  Column 2:
>   0.230261743068695 + 0.476699143648148i
>   0.556593239307404 + 0.506069242954254i
> octave:62> [v,d]=eig(a) 
> error: zgeev failed to converge
> error: evaluating index expression near line 62, column 7
> error: evaluating assignment expression near line 62, column 6
> octave:62> 
> 2x2 matrix nonconvergent?... gotta be a simple problem. Can you please
> help me? I am already desparate ... (it's late here..)
> Bye! Oren.

Well, I once again get results and no error message:

octave:6> a
a =

  0.146959990262985 + 0.629222273826599i  0.230261743068695 + 0.476699143648148i
  0.718937337398529 + 0.628816068172455i  0.556593239307404 + 0.506069242954254i

octave:7> [v,d]=eig(a)
v =

  -0.636918842982964 + 0.052728217889696i   0.490973183466844 + 
   0.769125557039564 + 0.000000000000000i   0.831909028328481 + 

d =

  -0.081873501621610 + 0.034629287936016i   0.000000000000000 + 
   0.000000000000000 + 0.000000000000000i   0.785426731191999 + 

I am not an expert at the inner workings of octave, so I am not sure how
much I can help.  I will try the same tests on my Linux box at home tonight
if I get a chance.  What platform are you running on?  Linux, Sun, HP, Windows?
perhaps a different version of a library is being linked in or something.  Are
you using a binary distribution, or are you compiling from source?  Have you
tried running the tests in the octave distribution?  Are you using an 
compiler (e.g. egcs or pgcc on linux)?

I am going to copy this back to the help-octave list as well.  Maybe other
folks can help.

Bill Lash

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