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Re: Axes font sizes

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Axes font sizes
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 16:06:31 -0400

On Aug 30, 2008, at 3:43 PM, Matt Foster wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to convince my girlfriend to use octave for some analysis
work. This includes some pretty complex plots, which octave generally
handles excellently.

I've got a couple of quick questions about plotting and I'd really
appreciate any help anyone can give me.

1) How can you set the font size of the axes? I expected set(gca,
'FontSize', n) to work, but it doesn't.
2) Is it possible to label a colorbar, or is that a limitation of gnuplot?

I'm using octave 3.0.2 for Mac OS X (Intel), along with the packaged
version of gnuplot (4.2.3).

Thanks in advance,


Matt, the graphics backend is presently under a great deal of development. At the present time the axis tick labels do not respect the axis' fontsize property.

However, for output to eps/ps/pdf and such the print command allows the fontsize to be specified.

I don't know about the colorbar, anyone else?


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