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Re: bring back gset

From: Ethan Tira-Thompson
Subject: Re: bring back gset
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 17:15:18 -0500

Thanks for the suggestions and workarounds! Sorry if I sounded combative btw, I'm a big fan of Octave — you have already done so much with it, I would just hate to see the community limit itself to replicating Matlab's features and nothing more since there's a lot of potential here...

However, it is very likely that the Matlab approach will provide you with the flexibility you need, just in a different way. If you can explain what you're looking for we may be able to help.

Well, for what it's worth, this is the item I'm trying to replicate:
        set term aqua "Deflection vs Phase" size 216 144 font "Times,7"
In particular, the size and font specification. This is important so it integrates into my documents.

The rest of my configuration I think I can probably figure out how to control matlab-style within Octave, or at least isn't critical to get exactly the same:
        set border lw .25 lt 0
        set xtics textcolor rgb "black"
        set ytics textcolor rgb "black"
        unset xzeroaxis

        set xlabel "Phase" offset 0,.5
        set ylabel "Deflection (radians)" offset 1.25,0
        set key inside left top


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