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Re: Octave 3.6.x packages for RHEL 6.2?

From: Julien Salort
Subject: Re: Octave 3.6.x packages for RHEL 6.2?
Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 13:53:23 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.3 (darwin)


I have  no knownledge on RHEL packaging  system and on how  to build and
submit new packages.

However  I would  like  to  mention that  I  have successfully  compiled
Octave-3.6.1 on Scientific  Linux 5.8, which is a  distribution based on
RedHat 5.8.  I had to  compile a few  dependencies that were too  old in
SL5.8 and  I have linked against  OpenBLAS. (I originally  tried to link
against the  system ATLAS  library, Octave built  fine but  the obtained
Octave binary wasn't working properly: it said something about my system
not having IEEE-floats...).

In Scientific Linux 6.1 (based on RedHat 6.1), the latest Octave version
available in the EPEL repository is 3.4.2.


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