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Re: Importing data from excel file.

From: Nicholas Jankowski
Subject: Re: Importing data from excel file.
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 15:52:43 -0400

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Nicholas Jankowski <address@hidden> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 1:54 PM, CodeOctave <address@hidden> wrote:
I just started using Octave as an alternative to Matlab.
I have been trying to import data for the last hour or so with no success.
Can someone clearly explain and show me how it is done?
Also where the file should be located.
In addition, I was able to open the excel file through Octave. Is there a
purpose for this?

This is one example of my attempts.
>> A = xlsread('Lithium_Cell_#3_July8, 2015', 'Sheet1', 'A1:A2')
warning: Functions for spreadsheet style I/O (.xls .xlsx .sxc .ods .dbf .wk1
etc.) are provided in the io package. See `'.

Please read `' to learn how you can
contribute missing functionality.

error: 'xlsread' undefined near line 1 column 5

as the warning message says, you need to enable the io package to use spreadsheet functions.  I believe the io package should be installed by default.


pkg load io

then retry your function with the xlsread command.

if you want the package loaded by default when you start octave, use the command:

pkg rebuild -auto io

to see what other packages you have, you can type:

pkg list

Finally, to make sure all the installed packages are up to date, you can use the command (you need internet connectivity and it often takes a few minutes to finish, be patient):

pkg update

Nick J.

Also, I forgot to mention that you should follow the link provided in the warning:

to go to the package homepage with full function reference, release news, etc.  you will also find other packages at that website.

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