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help with example script to run

From: Leo Baumann
Subject: help with example script to run
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 01:09:52 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.4.0


A little script from internet. I am desperate newbie. -

error: 'talbot_inversion_sym' undefined near line 5 column 11

Is it posible that someone helps me?

Thanks - Regards Leo



clear all;
t = 0.1:0.1:6*pi;
w = pi;
results = talbot_inversion_sym(@(s) s/(s^2+w^2), t, 128);
plot(t, cos(w*t), ...
     t, results, '.');
axis([t(1) t(end) -2 2]);
xlabel('Time'); title('f(t) = cos(\pi t) from f(s) = s/(s^2+\pi^2)');
legend('Known Function', 'Approximation');


function ilt = talbot_inversion_sym(f_s, t, M, P)

% ilt = talbot_inversion_sym(f_s, t, [M], [P])
% Returns an approximation to the inverse Laplace transform of function
% handle f_s evaluated at each value in t (1xn) using Talbot's method as
% summarized in the source below. This is a symbolic implementation capable
% of much greater accuracy than talbot_inversion. For this reason, it takes
% an additional argument, P, the number of significant digits required by
% the calculation. In general, P should be about 0.6*M.
% f_s: Handle to function of s
% t:   Times at which to evaluate the inverse Laplace transformation of f_s
% M:   Optional number of terms to sum for each t (64 is a good guess);
%      highly oscillatory functions require higher M, but this can grow
%      unstable; see example_inversions.m for an example of stability [64]
% P:   Optional precision of calculation in significant digits [32]
% Requires the Symbolic Toolbox(TM).
% Abate, Joseph, and Ward Whitt. "A Unified Framework for Numerically
% Inverting Laplace Transforms." INFORMS Journal of Computing, vol. 18.4
% (2006): 408-421. Print.
% The paper is also online:
% Tucker McClure
% Copyright 2012, The MathWorks, Inc.

    % Make sure t is n-by-1.
    if size(t, 1) == 1
        t = t';
    elseif size(t, 2) > 1
        error('Input times, t, must be a vector.');

    % Set M to 64 if user didn't specify an M.
    if nargin < 3, M = 64; end

    % Set P to the greater of the default from digits() or 0.6M.
    if nargin < 4, P = max(floor(0.6*M), digits()); end

    % Vectorized Talbot's algorithm

    M = sym(M);

    k = 1:(M-1); % Iteration index

    % Calculate delta for every index.
    delta = vpa([2*M/5, 2*pi/5 * k .* (cot(pi/M*k)+1i)], P);

    % Calculate gamma for every index.
    gamma = vpa([0.5*exp(delta(1)), ...
                    (1 + 1i*pi/M*k .* (1+cot(pi/M*k).^2) - 1i*cot(pi/M*k)) ...
                 .* exp(delta(2:end))], P);

    % Make a mesh so we can do this entire calculation across all k for all
    % given times without a single loop (it's faster this way).
    [delta_mesh, t_mesh] = meshgrid(delta, t);
    gamma_mesh = meshgrid(gamma, t);

    % Finally, calculate the inverse Laplace transform for each given time.
    f_s_evals = arrayfun(f_s, delta_mesh./t_mesh, 'UniformOutput', false);
    f_s_evals = vpa(reshape([f_s_evals{:}], size(delta_mesh)), P);
    ilt = vpa(0.4./t .* sum(real(gamma_mesh .* f_s_evals), 2), P);


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