"Filed out from GNU Smalltalk version 2.0k on 2-Mar-2003 1:01:40"! !NetClients.NNTP.NNTPClient methodsFor: 'accessing'! activeArticlesInGroup: groupString "Answer an active article range in group." | response read from to | self connectIfClosed. self clientPI nntpGroup: groupString. response := self clientPI getResponse. self clientPI checkResponse: response. currentGroup := groupString. response status = 211 ifFalse: [^0 to: 0]. "A response is as follows:" "211 n f l s (n = estimated number of articles in group, f = first article number in the group, l = last article number in the group, s = name of the group.)" read := response statusMessage readStream. read skipSeparators. Integer readFrom: read. read skipSeparators. from := Integer readFrom: read. read skipSeparators. to := Integer readFrom: read. ^from to: to! !