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[Help-smalltalk] faster startup 7/n

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] faster startup 7/n
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:49:45 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20061025)

VFS was a hog not only when quitting, but also on startup. This simple patch brings hello-world time down to 58ms (without copy-on-write) and 42ms (with).

Of these, about 8ms are spent in the last remaining call to allSubinstancesDo: (in FileDescriptor), but I don't see an easy way to remove it or to make it faster. The remaining 50ms/34ms are the sheer startup time.

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -228,10 +228,7 @@ update: aspect
      filesystems specified by the subclasses upon image load."
     (aspect == #returnFromSnapshot or: [ aspect == #finishedSnapshot ]) 
ifTrue: [
-       Registry := LookupTable new.
-       self allSubclassesDo: [ :each |
-           each fileSystems do: [ :fs | self register: fs forClass: each ]
-       ]
+       Registry := nil.
     (aspect == #aboutToQuit or: [ aspect == #aboutToSnapshot ]) ifTrue: [
        self allSubclassesDo: [ :each | each release ].
@@ -262,6 +259,10 @@ vfsFor: fileName name: fsName subPath: s
     "Create an instance of a subclass of the receiver, implementing the virtual
      file `subPath' inside the `fileName' archive.  fsName is the virtual
      filesystem name and is used to determine the subclass to be instantiated."
+    Registry isNil ifTrue: [
+       Registry := LookupTable new.
+       self allSubclassesDo: [ :each |
+           each fileSystems do: [ :fs | self register: fs forClass: each ] ] ].
     ^(Registry at: fsName) 
        vfsFor: fileName name: fsName subPath: subPath!

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