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[zile-devel] revisions backup gone, Lisp interpreter shelved

From: Reuben Thomas
Subject: [zile-devel] revisions backup gone, Lisp interpreter shelved
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 22:09:34 +0200 (CEST)

First, I've removed the revisions mode of backup. This is just bloat in a
small editor like Zile.

Through lack of time, and because it's no longer obvious to me that it's a
good idea, I've stopped working on a Lisp interpreter. I found a small
ready-built interpreter called Lithp that looks good (it's GPLed, clean
ANSI C, designed to be embedded, and builds to about 16Kb of code). If
anyone's interested, I can give them what I've done so far with it (which
is to strip it down a bit and remove some weird features that don't exist
in Emacs Lisp).

However, it's not obvious that zile really needs scripting.
shell-command-on-region can be used for a lot of useful stuff, I expect
(like reindenting). Other small editors like e3 adopt this approach, and
making it more comfortable in zile would help, e.g. allowing the user to
store frequently-used commands.

I'm now down to 92Kb for a stripped build, which still isn't great.

L'art des vers est de transformer en beautés les faiblesses (Aragon)

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