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Re: [Hyperbole-users] Maybe help answer this question about Hyperbole on

From: baux
Subject: Re: [Hyperbole-users] Maybe help answer this question about Hyperbole on Reddit
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2017 14:18:15 +0100

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Weiner <address@hidden> writes:


  Robert> We are less than a week away I think from releasing
    Robert> Hyperbole 7.0 with a slew of new features, so it is a good
    Robert> time to try to help people become interested in it.

I'm waiting for that :-) I'd like to post my workflow, but it's rather
new and 'instable' :-) btw Hyperbole it's a great peace of software
working smoothly in emacs computing environment.



Maurizio Boriani 
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