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Re: "Takin' reference" for klinks

From: Robert Weiner
Subject: Re: "Takin' reference" for klinks
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 23:49:07 -0500

We neglected to mention that we added this to the next pre-release of Hyperbole awhile back via a series of commands which we might eventually generalize further.
If you use Hyperbole from the git source distribution, you'll see these additions (among many other things in development):

   - Klink Copy: New commands that copy a relative or absolute reference
     to a kcell (a klink) to the kill ring or to an Emacs single-letter
     named register:

Bind them to keys as you like.



On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 2:23 AM Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:
* Robert Weiner <rswgnu@gmail.com> [2020-11-07 04:21]:
> There is already a function that grabs a reference to a cell when
> you select the cell, so it shouldn’t be hard to add what you want,
> probably to save it to the kill-ring or an Emacs register or your
> system clipboard.

You probably mean:


I see that reference becomes: </home/admin/EXAMPLE.kotl, 2=075>

I am now thinking if reference to path should be full path or relative
path. This looks as relative path. If we think of set of Koutliner
files then relative path is maybe better solution. When somebody needs
full path they can put it themselves by modifying the reference.

I hope you will include simple key binding and function to obtain
reference in a Koutliner file.

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