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[igraph] error plotting A graph with attributes example

From: Jarrett Byrnes
Subject: [igraph] error plotting A graph with attributes example
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 13:57:13 -0800

Hey, all, I'm trying to figure out igraph for my own uses, and ran through the A graph with attributes example at http:// cneurocvs.rmki.kfki.hu/igraphbook/igraphbook-creating.html#id2569368 which uses the from http://cneurocvs.rmki.kfki.hu/igraphbook/import.R (which I will place at the end of the email).

The problem is that, when I attempt to plot it, as specified in the tutorial, with
E(g)$color <- "black"
E(g)[ room=="y" ]$color <- "red"
tkplot(g, layout=layout.kamada.kawai, edge.color=E(g)$color)

I get the following error:

Error in from + 1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator

What does this error mean? What is the problem and fix, as I have an example that works more or less just like this, and would like to use similar code.



p.s. The code from the the example is:

# Read the files first
traits <- read.csv("traits.csv", head=FALSE)
rel <- read.csv("relations.csv", head=FALSE)

# Create the graph, add the vertices
g <- graph.empty()
g <- add.vertices(g, nrow(traits),
                     name=as.character(traits[,1]), age=traits[,2],

# Extract first names from the full names
names <- sapply(strsplit(V(g)$name, " "), "[",1)
ids <- 1:length(names)-1
names(ids) <- names

# Create the edges
from <- as.character(rel[,1])
to <- as.character(rel[,2])
edges <- matrix(c(ids[from], ids[to]), nc=2)

# Add the edges
g <- add.edges(g, t(edges),
               friend=rel[,4], advice=rel[,5])

#plot it
E(g)$color <- "black"
E(g)[ room=="y" ]$color <- "red"
tkplot(g, layout=layout.kamada.kawai, edge.color=E(g)$color)

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