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group membership different for 1.12.10?

From: Darlene D Choontanom
Subject: group membership different for 1.12.10?
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 16:13:52 -0700


We just recently upgraded to CVS 1.12.9, and noticed that the group membership on our various CVS repositories are not working like they used to.  In previous versions, a user just had to be a member of the Unix group in order to be able to modify a repository.  Now, however, they need to change their effective gid via the "newgrp" command in order to access it.

Each project repository is group-owned by projectX (where "projectX" is the name of the project) with the setgid bit set, and it isn't unusual for a user to be a member of more than one project.

This is fine for our Unix clients, but for the folks attempting to access our repositories from Windows boxes (using winCVS over ssh), setting the effective gid is not really an option.

Is there a patch/work around for this?


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