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Re: [Info-gnuprologjava] How to instance a Term with a functor?

From: Carlos-Manuel LÓPEZ-ENRÍQUEZ
Subject: Re: [Info-gnuprologjava] How to instance a Term with a functor?
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 13:08:19 +0200

Thanks Daniel!

It works!

Le 22 aot 2011 22:49, Daniel Thomas a crit :


GNU Prolog is a completely separate implementation to GNU Prolog for Java (though confusion is understandable). I take it that your problem is that you want a term (a+b) but get one which is enclosed in single quotes when this is not the behaviour you were expecting.

This is because you are creating an AtomTerm containing 'a+b' rather than a compound term composed of the atoms a and b bound by the infix function +.
I suspect that you want to use, java.lang.String, gnu.prolog.vm.Environment) or, gnu.prolog.vm.Environment) depending on whether you want to be able to be able to get variables out by name when they are in the string you pass using

I hope that helps,


P.S. Sorry for the delay I haven't had much internet recently.

On Sun, 2011-08-07 at 13:57 +0200, Carlos-Manuel LPEZ-ENRQUEZ wrote:
Good morning,

I just started using the API gnuprologjava-0.2.6.jar. I have a parser of a language written in prolog and implemented by defining new operators with 'op/3'. Therefore, I take advantage of natural treatment of functors already built in prolog.  This parser works well and I want to use it from a java program. 

I made a first exercise for referencing a simple _expression_ (a+b) to a variable term A by using the  '=/2' operator (i.e., A=(a+b) ) in the same way as in the gprolog interface: gprolog.png


This is a basic requirement for parsing the language expressions. I have coded a simple method parser(String) which constructs the terms and execute a goal. I have tried to use AtomTerm and VariableTerm classes to unify with an _expression_ but I don't get the same result as in gprolog.

In the case of the code using AtomTerm:
public void parser(String exp){
exp = "("+exp.trim()+")"
AtomTerm t_exp = AtomTerm.get(exp);
VariableTerm at_A = new VariableTerm("A");

Term[] args =  {at_A,t_exp};
CompoundTerm goalTerm = new CompoundTerm("=", args);

System.out.println("? "+goalTerm.toString());

Goal goal = interpreter.prepareGoal(goalTerm);
try {
int rc=-1;
System.out.println("! "" = "+at_A.value);

} catch (PrologException e1) {

I get the output:
? A = '(a+b)'
! A = '(a+b)'
but AtomTerm instances my _expression_ as an atom in quotes.

I tried also with VariableTerm class:
public void parser(String exp){
exp = "("+exp.trim()+")"
Term t_exp = new VariableTerm(exp);
VariableTerm at_A = new VariableTerm("A");

Term[] args =  {at_A,t_exp};
CompoundTerm goalTerm = new CompoundTerm("=", args);

System.out.println("? "+goalTerm.toString());

Goal goal = interpreter.prepareGoal(goalTerm);
try {
int rc=-1;
System.out.println("! "" = "+at_A.value);

} catch (PrologException e1) {

with the output: 
? A = (a+b)
! A = _A0
but it doesn't works either.

Do you know if I can instance some gnu.prolog.term.* with an _expression_ (actually a functor) and how? or maybe you have another alternative? 

Best regards and thanks in advance,

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