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gzipping metadata files

From: David Z Maze
Subject: gzipping metadata files
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 11:08:15 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) XEmacs/21.4 (Artificial Intelligence, usg-unix-v)

My setup for Gnus involves using nnml over AFS.  This is fine if I'm
in a place where I have a fast connection to the AFS servers, but not
so good if I'm, say, on a DSL line at home.  In particular, if I've
marked some messages as spam ('S x'), they each get individually moved
to mail.misc.spam, with a corresponding write and fsync of the 800K
.overview file.

I *think* I have transparent gzipping enabled in my XEmacs.  (XEmacs
21.x, both Linux and Solaris.)  Should it Just Work to gzip things
like .newsrc.eld, .bbdb, and Mail/mail/misc/spam/.overview?  (Oh, wow,
and the 8MB .spam-stat.el, too.)  What do I want to make sure I have

David Maze   
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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