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Re: nnimap summary errors

From: Jesse F. Hughes
Subject: Re: nnimap summary errors
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 09:31:07 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090017 (Oort Gnus v0.17) XEmacs/21.4 (Reasonable Discussion, linux) (Jesse F. Hughes) writes:

> Hey ho.
> I sent an email to someone and filed a copy in my mailgroup
> INBOX.newsgroup.chats.  When he replied, I filed his copy there too,
> but something confusing happened.
> When I peeked into the group, I saw in the summary buffer a message
> with his from address and subject (same as mine, with "Re:"
> prepended).  I opened it to read it and saw *my* message.
> I can't find an entry for my message in the summary.
> There is a file in the Maildir for his message, so the problem seems
> to be Gnus's, not the IMAP server.  What gives and how can I fix it?
> Thanks.

Okay, I think I know the source of the error.  I'm a bad user.

I unthinkingly moved articles around my IMAP groups while unplugged.
The documentation for Agent says you can't do this.  

Any guesses what happens if you *do* this?
" are around so that I have something else to do when I'm not
figuring something important out.  I was especially intrigued on this
iteration by cursing, which I think I'll continue at some later date
as it's so amusing."  --- James S. Harris

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