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Re: Why is gnus-summary-insert-new-articles considered a limiting comman

From: Jens Thiele
Subject: Re: Why is gnus-summary-insert-new-articles considered a limiting command?
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 19:29:22 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

On 11 Okt 2007, wrote:

> Hi Gnuers,
> a while ago I learned that the fast (right? optimal?) way to update my
> imap inbox is with gnus-summary-insert-new-articles (bound to `/ N').
> However, I've noticed that gnus-summary-pop-limit (`/ w') reverts the
> situation.  This is strange, moreover when I do some *real* limiting
> (by subject or author) and then, when I pop those limits Gnus happily
> goes back to the situation when I first updated my inbox with `/ N',
> maybe a few hours ago.
> Perhaps I'm not using the right command to update my inbox?  Which
> should I use?

I use gnus-summary-rescan-group (bound to "M-g" in the summary buffer)

M-g runs the command gnus-summary-rescan-group
  which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `gnus-sum.el'.
It is bound to M-g, Z G, <menu-bar> <Gnus> <Exit> <Rescan group>.
(gnus-summary-rescan-group &optional ALL)

Exit the newsgroup, ask for new articles, and select the newsgroup.

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