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Re: troubles after have changed locale ISO-8859-15 to utf8

From: francois . lagarde
Subject: Re: troubles after have changed locale ISO-8859-15 to utf8
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 01:40:07 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On 2 nov, 09:13, Katsumi Yamaoka <> wrote:
> >>>>> wrote:
> > I am using GNU Emacs 22.1.1 and   No Gnus v0.7.
> > Few days ago, I changed my locale from ISO-8859-15 to UTF8. After some
> > headaches, everything seems to be fine.
> > When I send mails, I keep  a copy of the message in a file in a folder
> > given by:
> > (concat  "nnml:gposted." (format-time-string "%Y") ".news-" (format-
> > time-string "%m-%B-%Y"))
> > The bad thing, is that I am french, and some folders have accents like
> > "février". Folder created while I was using ISO-8859-15  are now badly
> > displayed (funny characters like ? and others things like that). So i
> > decided to convert them with convmv. Now it is a mess. I cannot acces
> > to folder such as
> >  nnml:gposted.2007.mails-02-février-2007
> First of all, please update your No Gnus from CVS and read the
> Info manual carefully:
> (info "(gnus)Non-ASCII Group Names") <- type `C-x C-e' here.
> The non-ASCII group names handling for the nntp and the nnml back
> ends has been improved in the Gnus CVS trunk a couple of months
> ago (before those changes, Gnus have not been working fully with
> non-ASCII group names, particularly with the nnml back end).
> However, I noticed I've overlooked renaming of nnml groups, and
> Gcc.  Now both work properly.
> There are three important variables that you may want to set;
> those are:
> gnus-group-name-charset-method-alist
> gnus-group-name-charset-group-alist
> nnmail-pathname-coding-system
> Though, you will not necessarily have to customize all those
> variables.  If anything, leaving them as the defaults seems to
> be good in the utf-8 locale.
> Well, although it's been untested, I think the best way for you
> is to change the encoding of those directory names to utf-8
> something like the following:
> 1. To make those groups visible temporarily, set `g-g-n-c-m-a'
>    and `n-p-c-s' as follows:
>    (setq gnus-group-name-charset-method-alist
>          '(((nnml . "") . iso-8859-15))
>          nnmail-pathname-coding-system 'iso-8859-15)
>    You might need to restart Gnus.
> 2. Make sure that you can read the group
>    nnml:gposted.2007.mails-02-février-2007 and others.  If you
>    cannot read them, go to 3b.
> 3a. In the group buffer, rename those group names to the ones
>    that contain no non-ASCII characters.  For instance:
>    G r gposted.2007.mails-02-fevrier-2007 RET
> 4a. Reset `g-g-n-c-m-a' and `n-p-c-s' to the default values:
>    (setq gnus-group-name-charset-method-alist nil
>          nnmail-pathname-coding-system nil)
> 5. But if the value of `default-file-name-coding-system' is not
>    utf-8 or mule-utf-8, use the following hereafter:
>    (setq nnmail-pathname-coding-system 'utf-8)
>    You might need to restart Gnus.
> 6. Rename those group names to the ones that they were.
>    G r gposted.2007.mails-02-février-2007 RET
>    That's all.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> The reason you cannot read the archive groups might be that you
> made those groups before Gnus was improved.  I'm not sure what
> happened, but Emacs' internal coding system (i.e. `emacs-mule')
> might have been used.
> 3b. Open a terminal emulator, e.g. xterm.  Set the locale to
>    iso-8859-15.  Maybe it is enough to set the LC_ALL environment
>    variable to that of Latin-9 (I don't know the locale name).
>    Then rename those directory names to the ones that contain no
>    non-ASCII characters.  For instance:
>    cd ~/Mail/gposted/2007
>    mv mails-02-février-2007 mails-02-fevrier-2007
> 4b. In the group buffer, delete the archive groups in question
>    by `G DEL' or kill them by `C-k' if deleting doesn't work.
>    Create the archive groups of which the names contain no
>    non-ASCII characters.  For instance:
>    G m mails-02-fevrier-2007 RET nnml RET
>    Perform the `M-g' command on those groups and make sure there
>    are articles.  And then, goto 5.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Moreover, since I use nnir/swish to archive my mails, I can't fetch
> > any mails holding in a folder with accents accents...
> > any help would be appreciated.
> I'm not familiar with nnir.el, sorry.

thanks a lot for your elaborated answer.
The default-file-name-coding-system was missing.

I still have problems with the accents folders. I managed with my
previous folder problems by simply moving all the mails into a new
group (with correct accent).

I think that I have still some problems with my locales. When I enter
a folder name (interactive prompt i.e: keyboard) accents are fine, but
when I use the format-time-string command to generate the month to
where the mails has to be copied, the created folder doesn't have
correct accents.

that's really complicated... I think that it was a bad idea to switch
to UTF8...

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