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Re: IMAP Sending Issue with Multiple Accounts

From: James Thomas
Subject: Re: IMAP Sending Issue with Multiple Accounts
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2024 07:12:02 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Serghei Iakovlev via "Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs 
Usenet newsreader (in English)" wrote:

> James Thomas writes:
>> But there seems to be a better way; see:
>> Basically if you name the function as message-send-mail-with-<name>, you
>> should be able to directly call it from X-Message-SMTP-Method.
> So, essentially, you’re suggesting implementing two functions like:
> (defun message-send-mail-with-protonmail ())
> (defun message-send-mail-with-gmail ())
> and then specifying them in `gnus-posting-styles as':
> ("X-Message-SMTP-Method" "protonmail 1025")
> ("X-Message-SMTP-Method" "gmail 587")

Need not be that complex, AFAICT. The method could simply be something
like "starttls 1025" where the only thing you would do is
let-bind the stream type and call the default.

> Did I understand you correctly? If that’s what you meant, I think
> I’ll pass on this approach. The small hook I’ve implemented, which
> has now been simplified further, seems like the most concise option
> for my needs:
> (defun set-smtp-stream-type-by-domain ()
>   (setq smtpmail-stream-type
>         (pcase (cadr (split-string user-mail-address "@"))
>           ("" 'starttls)
>           (_ 'ssl))))
> (add-hook 'message-send-hook #'set-smtp-stream-type-by-domain)
> Thanks for the suggestion, though!

Cool. But IMO a hook is rather opaque compared to that where you can see
the actual method in the buffer's header, before you send it (less
goof-up prone).


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