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Re: [Jailkit-users] Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit

From: Michael Schwinges
Subject: Re: [Jailkit-users] Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:56:44 +0200

Thank you so much for replying Olivier. Your email was just what I needed to point me where to look.

I followed the strace instructions at http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/howtos_debug_jails.html and by checking the open calls for libnss I could see that /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_compat.so.2 wasn't in the jail. I copied it into the corresponding directory of the jail and I could sftp in perfectly.

Thank you again :-)

Kind regards,

On 8 November 2011 23:54, Olivier Sessink <address@hidden> wrote:
On 11/08/2011 10:32 PM, Michael Schwinges wrote:

Can anyone assist me with the following? I compiled and configured
jailkit following the instructions on the web site, and when I try to
sftp address@hidden I get the following message in auth.log:

Nov  8 23:30:39 solstice jk_chrootsh[19394]: now entering jail
/opt/jails/wfs for user wfs (1003) with arguments -c
Nov  8 23:13:09 solstice jk_lsh[19342]: cannot find user info for USER
wfs: Success

>From googling around it seems as if 32/64 bit systems need a slightly
different config, but I haven't been able to figure out what could
work for Ubuntu 11.04. I have two other servers - both 32-bit - where
the generic instructions just worked beautifully.

probably some of the libnss*.so 64bit files are missing. Look at the example jk_init.ini, the examples are mostly for 32bit systems. You probably need to adjust them a bit for 64bit systems.

jk_lsh tries to get the user information using the standard getpwnam() library call. This call uses the libnss plugins to actually get the information from files/ldap/nis etc.


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