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Re: [kaffe] Re: [Jessie-discuss] 0.9.6

From: Dalibor Topic
Subject: Re: [kaffe] Re: [Jessie-discuss] 0.9.6
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 18:34:25 +0100
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Hi Casey,

sorry for the long delay.

Casey Marshall wrote:
Hash: SHA1

"Dalibor" == Dalibor Topic <address@hidden> writes:

Dalibor> Would it make sense to merge this into kaffe as well?

That's be a pretty good idea, even though it isn't complete yet. As-is
it provides basic support for X.509 certificates, which is missing in
Kaffe right now.

I've checked out the sources from CVS, but I can't get them to build without javax.crypto, which is not in kaffe yet (unknown legality of distributing strong crypto from US, etc., we'll let GNU Classpath project figure it out, and follow in their step ;).

Dalibor> I also seem to remember that you had done some work on
Dalibor> implementing a policy file parser? What's the status of that
Dalibor> work?

I have an initial implementation, but can't get it to work with Kaffe
yet. So it is pretty complete, but untested.

My version is here:


Merged in, works partially. Check out the source from CVS HEAD, that should give you a starting point for changes. Since our is not (fully) merged with Classpath, some problems may be due to that. Please post to the mailing list when you need things merged in from GNU Classpath (or ask Jim for a CVS account ;).

Run programs with kaffe to try your PolicyFile code out.

dalibor topic

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