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Re: [Koha-devel] xml

From: Chris Cormack
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] xml
Date: Mon Oct 6 13:45:02 2003
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 10:59:38AM +0200, paul POULAIN said:
> MJ Ray wrote:
> >Finally, using xml display technologies: xml, xslt, etc.  A nightmare 
> >IMO.  Don't even go there with koha.  I've been there before and am 
> >not keen to go back.  Full XSLT is apparently turing-complete and it 
> >seems really dangerous not being able to tell a template from an 
> >infinite loop.  If people really want to do this, let them use XML 
> >output from koha and reformat it.
> iirc, chris suggested a Perl XSLT engine when we had to choose our tools 
> for 2.0.0 He thought it was a "heavy idea", so was not very enthousiastic.
> I tried to install the tool, but never succeded.
> The conclusion was :
> - it's a complex solution for developpers
> - it's a nightmare solution for users
> => it's not our solution
> :-)

We expiremented with Axkit, and while impressive, it did cause a significant
performance hit. And did tie us to mod_perl and Apache. Where html::template
(which of course the templates dont have to be html .. they can be anything
you like (including XML)) provided a more portable solution.


Chris Cormack                                                     Programmer
027 4500 789                                       Katipo Communications Ltd
address@hidden                                          www.katipo.co.nz

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