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Re: [Koha-devel] Intranet MARC search and 'suggestions'

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Intranet MARC search and 'suggestions'
Date: Wed Oct 27 09:42:02 2004
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Owen Leonard a écrit :

Paul, can you tell us about how the 'suggestions' link is supposed to work in the new intranet MARC search? What's the idea behind that?
A borrower can enter a suggestion in OPAC (if suggestions are activated in parameters/systemprefs)

when a suggestion is made, it has to be managed by a librarian (acquisition module). The 1st task is to validate pending suggestions : either accept or reject the suggestion. If rejected by the librarian => a mail is sent to the borrower, and it's done. If accepted => a mail is sent to the borrower, and the suggestion can now be ordered, in complete acquisition module.

In acquisition module, you can add order lines from 3 sources :
* Order a new item of an existing biblio
* Order a new item, of a new biblio
* Order a new item, from suggestion. Means new biblio, but it's pre-filled by borrower values.

When the suggestion is ordered, a mail is sent to the borrower.
When the order is recieved, a last mail is sent to the borrower.

New features in acquisitions are :
* ability to "close" a basket. A closed basket can't be modified anymore.
* history search : you can search is order history.


Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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